Learn all the important content (no old exam questions!) in a playful way with the exam preparation app (learning app) “Wirtschaftsfachwirt (WFW)” from QuizAcademy and prepare specifically for your exams. In different learning modes you can choose a learning variant individually and deepen your knowledge in the best possible way.You will find all the important content on the following topics:Action-specific qualifications:• Operational management• Investment and financing• Corporate accounting and controlling• Logistics• Marketing and Sales• Leadership and collaborationBusiness-related qualifications:• Economics and business administration• Accounting• Law and taxes• Corporate governanceQuizAcademy is an independent mobile learning platform where you can learn efficiently and while having fun. For example, you can learn exactly what you want via a learning session. As part of the learning plan, an intelligent algorithm tells you which content you should learn in order to remember it in the long term.This app is made available to you in collaboration with the continuing education provider HAW GmbH (https://haw-weiterbildung.de/).You can find further information on our website https://quizacademy.de/fuer-studierende/ under the Features section.If you have any comments or suggestions, we are available to you at any time via email:
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